Additional Public Holiday, Ireland 2022
The government has recently agreed to designate a once off public holiday on Friday 18th March, following the public holiday for St Patrick’s Day on Thursday 17th March. This is in recognition of the efforts of the general public, volunteers and all workers during the Covid-19 pandemic, and in remembrance of those who lost their lives due to the pandemic. This will mean that many employees will have a four - day weekend.
From 2023, a new public holiday will be introduced to mark St Brigid’s Day and will bring the total number of public holidays in Ireland to 10. The new public holiday will be on the first Monday in February, except where the 1st of February falls on a Friday in which case the public holiday will fall on the Friday.
If you have any queries on your employees entitlements for public holidays, please contact your partner or any member of the payroll team.
Nicola Tyndall
Payroll Manager